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K&P Law firm has entered into a legal advisory contract with the Incheon Tourism Organization.



K&P Law firm has entered into a legal advisory contract with the Incheon Tourism Organization.


The Incheon Tourism Organization undertakes various tourism-related endeavors, including the promotion of Incheon's flagship attractions, island and marine tourism, the development of tourism content such as festivals and events, domestic and international tourism marketing, digital marketing, and medical and wellness tourism. Additionally, it operates and manages key facilities in Incheon, including the Songdo Convensia, Incheon Startup Park, major hotels, and medical tourism facilities.


K&P Law Firm has successfully represented the Incheon Tourism Organization in several high-profile lawsuits. Furthermore, they have provided counsel on a variety of critical legal matters related to hotel operations, Songdo Convensia management, Incheon Startup Park administration, and the establishment of a medical tourism system.



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